We spend more time tied to our smartphones than ever before. Americans are now checking their smartphones, collectively, about 14 billion times a day. Which works out to an average of 52 looks per user. We’ve combined some stats on the trends and what this might mean for your marketing for 2019 and beyond.

Based on recent stats, it was estimated that people would spend an average of 3 hours 23 minutes per day on their mobile devices last year. Over 46% of Americans check their phone before getting out of bed. 82% of smartphone users say they consult their phones on purchases they’re about to make in a store. 34% of online retail purchases now happen on mobile devices. Google drives 96% of mobile search traffic. One-third of smartphone users use their phone as the primary device to access the Internet.

As the name suggests, mobile-first design is the process of designing for mobile (or smallest screened devices) first, then working up to the bigger ones. The mobile-first approach to design isn’t new and has been around for a few years now, but with mobile-phones now officially named as the primary devices used for browsing the web, more companies are realizing the importance of having a site that effectively delivers content on a smaller screen, and are rushing to get onboard. Design and visuals aside, the mobile-first model and the restrictions it brings is a useful way for brands to really consider what their core content and message is that they want to communicate. Smartphones (for the most part) come with significantly smaller screens than tablets and desktops, which limit the amount of content a user can easily view at once. This forces brands to do away with any information or content which isn’t 100% necessary.

.05 seconds is all it takes for visitors of your website to form an impression of what they see. A little less than 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new company or product while conducting a search on their smartphone.


Designing with an Understanding of the UX-User eXperience
1. Figure out user behaviors, needs, motivations.
2. Figure out the route they may take for their information.
3. Review competitors, how do they map their journey?
4. Interview interested parties – goals, targets, etc.
5. Identify performance benchmarks or indicators.
6. Build a wireframe. Blueprint.

Web Design Process Simplified
Step 1 – Meet, Research, Develop
Step 2 – Refine
Step 3 – Launch
Step 4 – Profit!